Hi, I’m marie!
I spend my time doing things that make me feel relaxed, content and at ease. I fill my days doing things that I love. I give my personal time to those I respect and align with.
I look forward to time at home. I value time with family. I’m happiest when with my dogs.
You’ll often find me with a coffee in hand, a house full of dogs, a new tattoo, and surrounded by plants.
To summarize who I am in a pretty yellow box (or two) is not a simple task, so I’ll do my best to embody my truth below.
I believe we dictate our future. There is no can’t. There is only won’t.
I believe that there are no set rules with anything in life, no matter how often people tell you there are.
I believe there is always more than one way to do something.
I believe that what you want or need doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else.
I believe we make our own rules. I believe we choose our own path.
I believe that anything is possible, with knowledge, a partner + a plan.
so, WHY m-powered living?
M-Powered Living exists to fulfill my vision to see as many people as possible living their ideal life. To have them feeling confident and secure and cultivating wealth and health on their own terms.
I feel blessed with the ability to partner with you, to create your vision for personal wealth and personal health - your unique set of rules and a unique for YOU plan.
I have a passion for money and a passion for movement. I believe that together they allow for that soul level feel good life - your ideal life.
The fact that you are here, reading this, tells me you, too have a passion for wealth, health and believe in living your best life.
M-Powered Living is the place for you to take your passion and turn it in to a plan, and your ideal life.
I’m excited you’re here and that you are you.
a little more about me.
I tend to get bored very easily. I crave challenge + change. I am always exploring, always learning, and always curious. I keep my eyes peeled, on the lookout for the next thing that piques my interest, the addition to my life that keeps me feeling satisfied, fulfilled, and consistently growing as an everyday person, and as a professional within my industries.
I redesign my life every single day. I’ve been gifted this one big beautiful life to live, and I believe if you aren’t constantly moving forward, you are being left behind.
I’ve never really fit into the molds laid out for me, and I knew from a young age that I wasn’t one to play by the rules. It’s not that I couldn’t, it’s just that I wasn’t interested in participating the way that everyone else thought I should, or wanted me to.
And so, my journey here hasn’t been a straight line by any means, but the beautiful truth is that the best journey’s are all over the map!
I’ve got lots of stories!
speaking of stories…
You name it, I’ve done it. And because I’ve done it, I can teach you.
I think my life and career as I know it today ultimately started in high school. I wanted to work full time and so I decided to change the way I went to school. I didnt ask anyone, I just adjusted how I learned, and made the education system work for me.
Most twenty somethings move out of mom and dads house. This twenty something moved to Mexico and spent her days teaching English and earning a six figure income from the beach running a mortgage business.
Always focused on the “big financial picture” the following 11 years manifested the purchase, renovation and sale of 9 properties, in addition to the solo opening of my first brick and mortar business - a yoga studio.
The studio closed in 2019. I found myself in financial ruin at 34. I started over and rebuilt, better than before.
Starting and running that business was the hardest thing I have ever done. It was also the best thing I have ever done. So many lessons learned. Mistakes made. Learning to listen to my heart over what was in my head.
Unmistakably the best thing I have ever done as an entrepreneur. I don’t regret one single second.
Every single story, every moment, every lesson has brought me here, to you.
Get ready to be M-POWERED to your ideal life, health and wealth!